Courage: what it takes to be a For Purpose Founder

We often talk about the challenges for founders, in particular founders of For Purpose organisations and social enterprises. Perhaps the most important factor in starting an impact focused organisation, is the least talked about.  Courage.  

My vision for Authentic Selling is to help founders of For Purpose organisations to successfully sell to businesses so that they can achieve their vision. I gain so much enjoyment from speaking with founders about their visions for positive impact – there are so many awesome people out there working hard to do the best they can to have a positive impact on our world.

These changemakers are pushing the boundaries, taking chances to build us all a better tomorrow. It’s a tough career choice to make – building a business is hard enough. Building one that also has a positive impact is even harder.

Courage to start

It is easy for observers to underestimate the level of courage it takes to make that first big leap, leave a less challenging but more reliable form of income – and put your idea out in the world. Once you start a business, every aspect of your precious idea is out there in the world for everyone to see. This can be thrilling and exciting – but it also exposes your soft underside of vulnerability – and can be terrifying.

So why do we do it? I know I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie – I love the thrill of the ride. But most of the founders I speak with – are driven by something much deeper. They really want to do their bit to create impactful change. Their vision is usually focused around a cause that means a lot to them and often has some personal connection due to their lived experience. They are motivated by a passion that no pay cheque could induce.

It takes that kind of motivation to have the courage to start something new.

Courage to do things differently

I am writing this after attending the SeventeenX event this evening, where Tom Dawkins of StartSomeGood spoke about courage. He shared this quote from Jacquline Novogratz, the Founder & CEO of Acumen:

“If you want to play it safe you shouldn’t get into the business of change. Change involves risk, and risk, which is not the same as recklessness, requires Courage.”

Anyone who is trying to do something differently, who is trying to create change, is engaging with risk. This takes courage – big courage. Courage to go against the flow of opinion, to stand out and stand up for your vision. Courage to try something when you don’t know what the outcome will be.

Courage to keep going

Once you’ve made that big leap, once you’ve started pushing against the status quo – that’s when it gets really tough. No entrepreneur gets to success without first traveling the road. The road can be rocky, has unexpected twists and turns – and will disappear from under you at a moment’s notice.

The courage to keep going when the hits keep coming is perhaps the toughest of all. Finding a new path forward, a new approach a new road through, at every step of the journey. Digging deep and finding that courage again and again – that is when it gets real.

Interestingly, one of the most common conversations amongst entrepreneurs - is how to avoid overwhelm. Part of the courage to keep going is about having the courage to do what you need to do to care for and maintain yourself. Without this, the journey will engulf you.

Slaying the Dragon

So - where does the journey lead? We all know that for the hero of the story to reap the reward, they must slay the dragon. We can practice how to fight as much as we want, but until we confront the fire-breathing monster – it doesn’t mean a thing.

The awesome thing about working with founders – is that they are all about action. They get out there in the arena and play the game. And sometimes when you play the game – you win. When they succeed - when their hard work pays off and they have impact – it is glorious. These brave souls can and do create positive change in our world.

I call out to all those founders out there in the social enterprise and impact driven world who are bravely scaling their mountains and slaying dragons along the way.  I see you – and I thank you for your brave efforts. We need you. Without you nothing changes.


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