Authentic Sellers Membership

Join Now for just $20 to Start Learning

  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls

    Gain direct live B2B Sales Coaching from Nimmity on our monthly Group Coaching Calls. Bring your burning questions or submit them ahead of the call. Nimmity will answer questions and workshop real life case studies with the group.

  • Online Community Platform

    Gain full access to the Authentic Sellers online community platform. Post questions in writing to have direct one to one written coaching from Nmmity. Interact with other community members and learn from their questions and experiences.

  • Access Webinar Recordings

    Gain access to all past webinars via the Authentic Sellers community platform. Nimmity hosts webinars monthly, all of which are hosted on the platform as a library of B2B Sales content for community members to access at any time.

  • Connect with Founders

    The Authentic Sellers community is all about making it easy for founders to get the skills and confidence they need to grow their business selling B2B. Connect with the founders on their journey to building their business with B2B sales.

Monthly or Annual Pricing Options

Pay Monthly for just AUD$20 per month

Save with Annual Membership for just AUD$180 per year


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