Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

What do I do at Networking Events?

Do networking events make you nervous? Don’t worry – you are not the only one. The good news is you are most definitely over thinking it. Let’s break it down so you can feel confident make the most of networking opportunities.

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

Selling with Partners

Growing your B2B Sales with collaborations and partnerships.

What do we mean when we talk about selling with partners? There are lots of different ways to work with other businesses to grow your business. Let’s break it down and see what might work best for you.

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

What trying to Sell feels like when you don’t know how

Ever have that feeling like you are the only one who doesn’t know how things work? I speak to so many founders who think they are the only ones who don’t know how to sell and are nervous to admit it. They blame themselves and think they just need to work harder or try harder – but actually, it is about learning how things work.

I thought I would share some of the common things I have heard from founders about how they feel when they are new to selling – as I’m sure there are others out there who feel the same way.

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

You don’t have to be an Extrovert to Sell

One of the myths about selling is that the best salespeople are extroverts. A lot of people believe that you need to be an extrovert to sell well. I’m here to tell you that that just isn’t true.

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

You Can Close Big Deals

If the sales side of things was not previously your bag – the idea of going after big business sales can feel out of your league. I’m here to tell you that closing big deals is not rocket science. You had the courage to start your own business – you can close big deals.

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

What is the difference between B2B Sales and B2C Sales?

Is selling B2B really that different from selling to a consumer? Some things are common across all types of selling – but there are also some differences. So what are the key differences between B2B Sales and B2C Sales and why does it matter?  

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

Cold Calling is Dead

One of the most common things I hear people say when they start selling is ‘I hate cold calling!’. I can’t say I blame them.  Who wants to call someone that doesn’t know you or want to speak with you, and interrupt their day? More to the point – why is anyone still trying to do this anyway?

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

Top 5 Things to Kickstart your 2024 B2B Sales Strategy

We are well into 2024 now. How is your B2B Sales Strategy going?

I thought it would help reduce some of your stress if I gave you a simple checklist of things to ensure you include in your B2B sales plan, to keep you on track ane ensure you have a great 2024.

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

Don’t Forget the Basics: How to Sell B2B

Are you excited about 2024? Keen to get started on trying a bunch of new things to build your B2B sales? One of the things that we all do when fired up about new adventures, is that we can forget the basics. If we get the basics right, everything works better. Now is a great time to take stock and remind ourselves of the very basics of B2B selling, so that we have an awesome launch pad to grow from. So what are the basics?

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

Building Confidence with In-Person Meetings

Having the bulk of our meetings on a video call is now the norm. But that doesn’t mean that in-person meetings have dissappeared completely from B2B sales. The challenge is - many of us are out of practice. How do we get our confidence back with in-person meetings?

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

How to Sell B2B in the Silly Season

Are you starting to get the dreaded “let’s leave it until the New Year” from prospects? The world might wind down for Christmas, but if you are running a business that relies on B2B sales, you don't want to let things wind so far down, that you can't get back again. So how do you keep things going through the Silly Season?

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

Why am I so nervous about selling?

Do you get a nervous feeling when you think about making outbound calls, or going to a sales meeting? Many people do. Nervousness about selling can hold you from building your business, because you will unconsciously find ways to avoid things that make you uncomfortable.

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

Creativity in Selling

What has sales got to do with creativity you ask?

Creativity can be a super power in sales – if we use it wisely.

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert


The word authenticity gets bandied around a lot these days. It’s an important one to us - in fact central to what we do. So what does it mean as a salesperson to be authentic?

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

Onboarding: the first 30 Days

The first 30 to 90 days of any customer relationship are crucial. They not only set the tone for your relationship with your customer - but are also when you get the best feedback on your solution, and when you get the best chance to ensure your customer is implementing your solution well.

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

Segmenting your customers

The Secrete to Proactive Outreach.

When taking care of our existing customers – we often know that we want to have a program of proactive outreach in place. However – how do we fit it all in? How do we give our customers the attention and service they need and deserve, with our limited resources? The secret is simple. We need to segment our customer base, so that we can allocate more of our time to the customers that need it.

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Nimmity Zappert Nimmity Zappert

Sales Challenge: How soon should I follow up?

I was asked the question the other day, what is an appropriate amount of time to leave before following up on an email with a call. I found it an interesting question, one that I had not thought about so often previously, as it had become second nature to me. So what is the answer?  

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Have a Sales Question?

When you are out in the real world, sometimes it just helps to get some advice on how to approach a specific situation, what to do on a sales call - or just get some clarity on something.

Send Nimmity your B2B Sales question and you’ll get direct feedback in your inbox within 24 hours.


B2B vs B2C

The Difference between B2B & B2C Sales

Selling to business is different to selling to consumers.

What are those differences and how do you ensure your sales approach for B2B Sales is working for you? 

Join me for a 1-hour free webinar to learn how to ensure you have the best sales approach for selling B2B.