How to Sell B2B in the Silly Season

Are you starting to get the dreaded “let’s leave it until the New Year” from prospects? The world might wind down for Christmas, but if you are running a business that relies on B2B sales, you don't want to let things wind so far down, that you can't get back again. So how do you keep things going through the Silly Season?  

It’s about them not you

This is a really good reminder at any time of year. By late November heading into December, people are tired, stressed, and overwhelmed. If they are in the corporate space, they are hanging out for the after Christmas break. If they are connected with retail or hospitality – they are too busy to take a breath.

So when we are connecting with people through this time, we need to remind ourselves to be cognisant of what is going on for them. Think about what you can do to make their lives easier. Perhaps suggest a lunch meeting, when you take them out for a short break from the hustle.

We’re stressed too

I bet your thinking: “But I’m stressed too!”. I hear you. The pressure is on for all of us at this time of year, so make sure you take a breath before you pick up that phone or walk into that meeting. Try not to bring your adrenaline to your conversations. Remember to ask lots of questions, listen rather than talk, and keep a conversational tone.

If we are not careful, when we bring that adrenaline to a meeting, we can come across as a bit desperate. Try to leave your worries at the door and focus on the present call or meeting.

“Let’s leave it to the New Year…”

This can be one of the most frustrating things we can hear in B2B sales, especially if we get it in November and early December. That can mean a two-month gap in connection if we are not careful.

So how do we deal with this? Firstly – go back to the basics and remember to qualify and question. Treat this as you would any other objection.

However, there will be some people who genuinely want to wait until the New Year to engage. If that is the case, ask them when they are back – and book in the meeting. Don’t leave it open ended. You’ll be surprised how many people will be more than happy to book in a meeting in January, when they expect to have all the time in the world.  

It’s Mingling Time!

December may not always be a great time for chunky B2B sales meetings, but it is a great time for prospecting and networking. Make the most of any festive and networking events. This is a great time to build connections with people.

Remember though, when you are at a festive function – you don’t want to be talking about work all of the time. People are mostly there to relax a bit and have a good time. Ask them about their holiday plans and keep it light. If you make a new contact, do get their details, as you would normally.

And yes – you are allowed to have a good time too. Just keep it professional and don’t dance on tables with your undies on your head.

December can be a great prospecting time – make the most of it. Get out there and enjoy it!


For more tips on How to Sell B2B in the Silly Season, join us for a free 1-hour webinar on Thursday 23rd Nov.


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