Why am I so nervous about selling?

Do you get a nervous feeling when you think about making outbound calls, or going to a sales meeting? Many people do.  Nervousness about selling can hold you from building your business, because you will unconsciously find ways to avoid things that make you uncomfortable.

So what makes us nervous and how can we address it?

Not knowing what to do

One of the reasons we feel nervous about selling, is because we are not sure what we are going to do at the meeting. This is understandable if you are new to selling. You may not have attended many sales meetings before.

The best way to overcome this, is to learn how business to business selling works, so that you can make a simple plan for each call or meeting. This might include understanding what questions you will ask, and what your objective is for the meeting.

Feeling like you need to behave a certain way

Many people have a false picture in their mind of what they think a salesperson should be like. They think a salesperson needs to be pushy and forward.

Once you understand that this is not the case, things get easier. Sales is a conversation. When we approach sales as a conversation, we are thinking about what questions you want to ask and how we can engage in a two way discussion. This is a much more relaxed approach than thinking about what you need to tell them.

People are much more likely to want to engage with you if you are your authentic self, and not trying to be someone you are not.

Being Unprepared

Like anything, preparation for meetings helps us to feel confident going in. If you walk into a meeting and have not done your research about the organisation, you are making things hard for yourself.

Make sure you do your best to prepare well for your calls and meetings. This will help you to feel confident in your conversations, and set you up for success.  

Having not structure or process

When we don’t have a structure or process to what we are doing, it can make us feel like we are flailing about with no direction. It can contribute to use feeling confused and uncertain.

By understanding the simple process of selling, it helps to keep us on track. If we are in a meeting, we can have a mental guide of what to do next, to help us in those moments of uncertainty.

There are many things we can do to ensure to help us with confidence when selling. Anyone can build their confidence by learning and understanding how business to business sales works and putting in place a simple process and practices.

Learn about the 5 Mistakes Made Selling B2B at this FREE Webinar
10am Friday 16th Ju


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