Creativity in Selling

What has sales got to do with creativity you ask?
Creativity can be a super power in sales – if we use it wisely.

 One of the biggest challenges with selling, is that every meeting, every person we meet – is different. They are their own individual with their own challenges and concerns and their own view of the world.

If we remember that selling is about guiding our customer through a journey to solve their challenges, it is highly likely that along that journey things will come up that we haven’t thought of, that weren’t in the rule book.

So what to do? How can we train or prepare for uncertainty?

This is where creative problem solving comes in. Great salespeople work hard to find creative solutions for their customers problems.

Creativity in what we deliver

A classic example might be, that the customer really wants your solution, but can’t pay for it straight away. Coming up with a creative payment plan might solve this – you can confirm the agreement with the customer, and organise a payment plan that enables them to pay in a timeline that works for them, and for you to start work right away.

Another might be, that they really like what you do – but there are aspects of our solution that they would like to customise or change. Now – we all know this can be a bit of a minefield. We don’t want lots of bespoke versions of our solution or product – that is just now scalable. However, if there are aspects of our solution that we can creatively tweak or adjust to match what they need – you can secure the business and provide them with a great solution.

Creativity in how we prospect

Creativity doesn’t just apply to the tangible aspects of our product. Thinking creatively about where you will find and connect with new prospects can be hugely powerful.

We all know the saying about doing the same thing and expecting different results – that is the definition of insanity. So if you are finding that what you are doing isn’t working as well as you like – mix it up.

Spend some time really thinking about where and how you might be able to connect with people that will be interested in what you do.

Creativity in our responses

One of the most important behaviours to learn when selling is to listen. Really listen to what your prospect is saying – and how they are saying it.

What sort of language are they using? What is their body language like?

Being able to adjust where we go next with our questions, based on what we are seeing and hearing is an important skill to learn and improve.

Having a structure to work from on a sales call is a really good idea. That structure is intended to be a base that we extend and adjust to what we need in the moment. We want be ensuring that we are listening to the responses people are giving us and then leading the conversation accordingly.

Thinking creatively on the fly is something that great salespeople do really well. Having to be on my toes to listen and respond in real-time I find one of the most fun aspects of selling.

We can all use our creativity every day as we are out there selling. Embrace creativity as part of the process and enjoy the ride.

Check out our 10-Week Sales Incubator: How to Sell B2B

Starting 6th March


Why am I so nervous about selling?

