What is the best way to contact customers?

In-person, Zoom, Phone, Messaging or Email? Those out there selling digital solutions would have you believe that you can reach more prospects by using digital communication. Why travel when you can Zoom? It does make a difference.

Selling is about Connecting

Selling is about genuinely connecting with people to understand what they are looking for and helping them to find a solution.

If Covid taught us anything, it is that connecting over a screen just doesn’t cut it for true connection.

Many people today have become so used to doing all of their communication via email or messaging, that they are genuinely nervous about the idea of speaking to someone on the phone or in person.

But as someone building a business, you must overcome that nervousness. Each contact you have with someone is an opportunity to further build a relationship with them. Building relationships is best done in person.

Nims Order Of Contact (N.O.O.C.)

To keep this simple – stick to Nim’s Order of Contact. Always try for in-person first, then work your way down the list, with messaging and email being your last resort.

1.     In-person

This is always the preferred way of connecting with a prospect or customer. In person you have a more natural conversation, and you can more easily read how the other person is responding or reacting. You also feel like you ‘know’ someone when you’ve met them in person, in a way you don’t if you have connected with them any other way.

2.     Video Call

If you can’t meet in person, a video call is the next best thing. At least with a video call, you can see how the other person is reacting and responding to your conversation. Also, many people are very visual – so you can use the call to show images or demonstrate things – depending on where you are up to in your sales process.

3.     Phone

I know I sound old-fashioned when I say you can actually speak with someone on the phone, but it is possible. The etiquette around this has certainly changed – but it is still better to catch someone on the phone than to resort to email. Although you can’t see them, you do still get a more natural conversation and at least some way of reading their immediate reaction.

4.     Message

Texting or messaging is the next best thing from a phone call. It is more personal and immediate that an email. We are still at a stage with messaging where most people feel that it is polite to respond to messages, so you are more likely to get some personal engagement.

Just don’t overuse it – and be careful of times. Messages are much more immediate, and not everyone keeps their phone on silent at night.  You don’t want to be the annoying person who sent someone an SMS at 10 pm at night or on the weekend.

5.     Email

Email should be your last resort. Long gone are the days when we feel we need to respond to every email we receive, and many go unread. If you do use email, keep it tight and not long and rambling. Try to keep your email to one key point, and ask a question to guide their response if you can.

If you would like to learn more about how to sell to businesses, check out our 12-Week Sales Incubator Course.


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